Najnovije siječanj 2023 / News January 2023

Published on 10 January 2023 at 22:02

BREAKING - Britanski regulator za lijekove potvrdio da je COVID-19 stvorio čovjek , a cjepiva su stvorena pomoću računalno generirane DNK


Nedavno sam naišao na fantastičnu razmjenu e-pošte između Francisa Leadera i britanskog regulatora za lijekove, MHRA - U ovoj razmjeni MHRA priznaje da što se tiče cjepiva protiv Covida-19 -1 korišteni predložak DNK ne dolazi izravno iz izoliranog virusa zaražene osobe. DNK predložak (teški akutni respiratorni sindrom koronavirus 2 (GenBank 908947.3), generiran je kombinacijom sinteze gena i rekombinantne DNK tehnologije. Laički rečeno, njihovo priznanje dokazuje da je pandemija Covida-19 stvorena od strane čovjeka. SARS-CoV-2 je sintetiziran prema MHRA tj. nije bio izoliran iz prirode. 


BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made & the Vaccines were created using Computer Generated DNA


I recently came across a fantastic email exchange between Francis Leader and the UK Medicine Regulator, the MHRA – In this exchange, the MHRA admits that as regards the Covid-19 vaccines – 1. The DNA template used does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person 2. The DNA template (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (2 GenBank 908947.3), was generated via a combination of gene synthesis and recombinant DNA technology. The email chain looked too good to be true. Because, in layman’s terms, their admission is the smoking gun which proves that the Covid-19 pandemic was man-made. SARS-CoV-2 was synthesised according to the MHRA. It was not isolated from nature. So I decided to write to the MHRA myself. 

(BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made & the Vaccines were created using Computer Generated DNA)



Cenzura i suzbijanje heterodoksije Covid-19: taktike i protutaktike

Heterodoksije mogu biti mišljenje drugačije ili suprotno nekim prihvaćenim (»ortodoksnim«) doktrinama. Pojava COVID-19 dovela je do brojnih kontroverzi oko znanja i politike vezane uz COVID-19. Kako bi se suprotstavili uočenoj prijetnji od strane liječnika i znanstvenika koji osporavaju službeni stav vladinih i međuvladinih zdravstvenih vlasti, neki pristaše ove ortodoksije krenuli su u cenzuru onih koji promiču suprotna stajališta. Cilj ove studije je istražiti iskustva i reakcije iskusnih liječnika i znanstvenika istraživača iz različitih zemalja koji su bili mete potiskivanja i/ili cenzure nakon njihovih publikacija i izjava u vezi s COVID-19 koje osporavaju službena stajališta. Naša otkrića ukazuju na središnju ulogu koju igraju medijske organizacije, a posebno tvrtke informacijske tehnologije, u pokušaju gušenja rasprave o politici i mjerama za COVID-19. U nastojanju da se ušutkaju alternativni glasovi, naširoko se koristila ne samo cenzura, već i taktika potiskivanja koja je naštetila ugledu i karijerama doktora i znanstvenika koji se ne slažu, bez obzira na njihov akademski ili medicinski status i bez obzira na njihov položaj prije izražavanja suprotna pozicija. Umjesto otvorene i poštene rasprave, cenzura i suzbijanje znanstvenog neslaganja ima štetne i dalekosežne implikacije za medicinu, znanost i javno zdravstvo.




Censorship and Suppression of Covid-19 Heterodoxy: Tactics and Counter-Tactics

The emergence of COVID-19 has led to numerous controversies over COVID-related knowledge and policy. To counter the perceived threat from doctors and scientists who challenge the official position of governmental and intergovernmental health authorities, some supporters of this orthodoxy have moved to censor those who promote dissenting views. The aim of the present study is to explore the experiences and responses of highly accomplished doctors and research scientists from different countries who have been targets of suppression and/or censorship following their publications and statements in relation to COVID-19 that challenge official views. Our findings point to the central role played by media organizations, and especially by information technology companies, in attempting to stifle debate over COVID-19 policy and measures. In the effort to silence alternative voices, widespread use was made not only of censorship, but of tactics of suppression that damaged the reputations and careers of dissenting doctors and scientists, regardless of their academic or medical status and regardless of their stature prior to expressing a contrary position. In place of open and fair discussion, censorship and suppression of scientific dissent has deleterious and far-reaching implications for medicine, science, and public health.



Cjepiva protiv dječje paralize su neučinkovita i stotine tisuća djece je paralizirano zbog programa cijepljenja Billa Gatesa

Gotovo svi se boje dječje paralize jer vidimo slike djece u invalidskim kolicima ili koja hodaju sa štakama i protezama. Ovo je taktika straha koju koristi farmaceutska industrija kako bi vas namamila da dobijete injekciju. Dakle, ono što se događa je da milijuni roditelja nasjedu na to i njihova se djeca požuruju da dobiju svoje "osiguranje" protiv dječje paralize. Zapravo, dječja paraliza je toliko zastrašujuća i kvarljiva (pogledajte incident s Cutterom i kontaminaciju SV40 u 5. poglavlju, dijelovi 1 i 2) da zaslužuje daljnju raspravu u posebnom poglavlju, napisao je dr. Kevin Stillwagon. Ovo bi vas moglo šokirati, ali mnoga su djeca već bila izložena virusu dječje paralize, nikad nisu ni znala za to i imaju imunitet, stoga cjepivo nije bilo potrebno. Prema Klinici Mayo: Iako dječja paraliza može uzrokovati paralizu i smrt, većina ljudi koji su zaraženi virusom ne razbolijevaju se i nisu svjesni da su zaraženi.


Polio Vaccines Are Ineffective and Hundreds of Thousands of Children Have Been Paralysed due to Bill Gates’ Vaccination Program

Almost everyone is frightened of polio because we see pictures of children in wheelchairs or walking around with crutches and braces. This is the fear tactic the pharmaceutical industry uses to entice you into getting the shot. So, what happens is, millions of parents fall for it and their children are rushed off to get their “insurance” against polio. In fact, polio is so scary and corruptible (see the Cutter incident and SV40 contamination in Chapter 5 parts 1 and 2) that it deserves further discussion in a chapter all to its own, wrote Dr. Kevin Stillwagon. This may shock you, but many children have already had exposure to the polio virus, never even knew it and have immunity, therefore the shot was not necessary. According to the Mayo Clinic: Although polio can cause paralysis and death, the majority of people who are infected with the virus don’t get sick and aren’t aware they’ve been infected.


EMA konačno priznaje da cijepljenje protiv COVID-a može imati negativan učinak na plodnost žena


Europska agencija za lijekove (EMA) konačno je priznala da cijepljenje protiv Covid-19 može imati negativan učinak na plodnost žena. Priznanje dolazi nekoliko mjeseci nakon što je u povjerljivim dokumentima Pfizera otkriveno da je izbacivanje cjepiva protiv Covid-19 moguće kontaktom koža na kožu i/ili udisanjem istog zraka s cijepljenom osobom, a može, nažalost, dovesti do menstruacije poremećaj ciklusa kod žena i pobačaja kod trudnica.


EMA finally admits COVID Vaccination can have an Adverse Effect on Female Fertility

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has finally admitted that Covid-19 vaccination can have an adverse effect on female fertility. The admission comes months after it was revealed in confidential Pfizer documents revealed that shedding of the Covid-19 vaccine is possible by skin-to-skin contact and/or breathing the same air as a vaccinated person, and can, unfortunately, lead to menstrual cycle disruption among women and miscarriage among pregnant women.

EMA finally admits COVID Vaccination can have an Adverse Effect on Female Fertility




iSage ili indie-SAGE je sjenovita lobistička organizacija koja je prikazana kao službeni savjetnik vlade Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva


Tijekom britanskog odgovora na krizu covida-19, lobistička skupina poznata kao Neovisna znanstvena savjetodavna skupina za hitne slučajeve ("iSAGE") poslužila je kao ključna pokretačka snaga vladine najdrastičnije politike zatvaranja. Iako se predstavila kao nevladina organizacija sastavljena od naprednih zdravstvenih stručnjaka, Grayzone otkriva da iSAGE ne samo da održava niz veza s britanskom sigurnosnom državom, oslanjajući se uglavnom na politička, a ne na znanstvena razmatranja pri izradi političkih preporuka. Napori vanjskih subjekata pružaju uznemirujući pogled na ulogu sigurnosne države i sreišnjih medija u korumpiranju britanske politike javnog zdravstva.

iSage or indie-SAGE is a shadowy lobbying organization that is portrayed as an official adviser to the UK government

During the UK's response to the covid-19 crisis, a lobby group known as the Independent Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies ("iSAGE") served as a key driving force behind the government's most drastic lockdown policies. Although it presents itself as an NGO made up of advanced health experts, Grayzone reveals that iSAGE not only maintains a number of links with the British security state, relying mainly on political rather than scientific considerations when making policy recommendations. The efforts of outside actors provide a disturbing look at the role of the security state and the satirical media in corrupting British public health policy.

iSage or indie-SAGE is a shady lobbying organisation that has been portrayed as an official advisor to UK GovernmentA comparison of official Government reports suggests the rise in ‘Strep A Child Deaths’ is due to COVID Vaccination causing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

Liječnik dijeli alternativne tretmane bjelančevinama kada početne opcije ne uspiju

Više od dvije godine nakon pandemije i više od godinu dana otkako je uvedeno cijepljenje protiv COVID-19, milijuni ljudi još uvijek se liječe od ozljeda izazvanih bjelančevinama, bilo da je riječ o COVID-19 ili cijepljenju. Mnogi su liječnici sastavili preporuke o liječenju dugih ozljeda od COVID-a i cjepiva na temelju kliničkih opažanja i objavljenih istraživanja. Ivermektin, niske doze naltreksona i resveratrol su na vrhu popisa kao tretmani koji se koriste. Utvrđeno je da su ti tretmani najpristupačniji i općenito daju pozitivan odgovor. Savez Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) ih je klasificirao kao prvu liniju liječenja. Međutim, manja skupina ljudi možda neće reagirati na tipičnu prvu liniju liječenja. Tada liječnici iznose tretmane koji se smatraju "drugom linijom". Ti su tretmani obično agresivniji i ciljaniji, što znači da bi mogli djelovati vrlo dobro, ali za manju skupinu ljudi. Također mogu biti skuplji i teži za samostalno davanje.


Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail


Over two years into the pandemic and over a year since the COVID-19 vaccinations rolled out, millions of people are still nursing themselves in the aftermaths as they recover from spike protein injuries, whether it be through COVID-19 or vaccinations. Many doctors put together recommendations on treating long COVID and vaccine injuries based on clinical observations and published research.

Ivermectin, low-dose naltrexone, and resveratrol are on the top of the list as the go-to treatments. These treatments have been found to be the most accessible, and generally brings out a positive response. They are classified as the first line treatments by Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). However, a smaller group of people may not respond to the typical first line treatments or may respond with remaining unresolved conditions. That is when doctors bring out treatments considered “second-line.” These treatments are typically more aggressive and targeted, meaning that it could work very well but for a smaller group of people. They can also be more expensive and harder to self-administer.


Doctor Shares Alternative Spike Protein Treatments When Go-to Options Fail




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