Zastupnik suspendiran iz Parlamenta tjedan dana nakon govora da "cjepivo šteti ", ali nije ušutkan

Published on 22 January 2023 at 00:08

Zastupnik suspendiran iz Parlamenta tjedan dana nakon govora da "cjepivo šteti ", ali nije ušutkan


Nakon svog ogromnog govora u parlamentu prošlog utorka, zastupnik u parlamentu Andrew Bridgen zamoljen je da dostavi popis referenci na koje se oslanjao kako bi napisao svoj "govor o raspravi o šteti cjepivu". Popis resursa postavio je na svoju web stranicu OVDJE. "To je isti popis koji je poslan novinarima i takozvanim internetskim stranicama za provjeru činjenica", rekao je g. Bridgen. Od tada je suspendiran iz sudjelovanja u Parlamentu. Ali to ga nije spriječilo da progovori. Ovaj tjedan dao je intervjue s Irreverendom i, nekoliko dana kasnije, Jamesom Delingpoleom. U ovom članku osvrćemo se na prvi intervju.


MP is suspended from Parliament a week after “vaccine harms speech” but he has not been silenced

After his tremendous speech in Parliament last Tuesday, Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen was asked to provide a list of references that he relied on to write his “vaccine harms debate speech.” He has uploaded a resource list on his website HERE.  “This is the same list that was sent to journalists and so-called ‘fact checking’ websites,” Mr. Bridgen said. He has since been suspended from attending Parliament.  But this hasn’t stopped him from speaking out.  This week he has given interviews with Irreverend and, a few days later, James Delingpole.  In this article, we refer to the first interview.

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