Laž o klimatskim promjenama / The lie about climate change

Published on 17 November 2022 at 17:37


Laž o klimatskim promjenama

O tome kako su „klimatske promjene“ laž, skrivajući agendu društvene kontrole  govori izvršni direktor „CO2 koalicije“ Gregory Wrightstone. CO2 se navodi kao opasna emisija koja je primarni uzrok klimatskih promjena. Ipak, povijesni podaci i moderna znanost pokazuju ne samo da CO2 možda nije tako loš kao što zvuči, već da se informacije falsificiraju. Wrightstone je rekao „Ono što sam pronašao, iskreno, šokiralo me. Bio sam neugodno iznenađen koliko je dezinformacija vani i koliko se znanost i znanstveni procesi gaze.

The lie about climate change

The executive director of the „CO2 Coalition“, Gregory Wrightstone, talks about how "climate change" is a lie, hiding an agenda of social control. CO2 is cited as a dangerous emission that is the primary cause of climate change. Yet historical data and modern science show not only that CO2 may not be as bad as it sounds, but that the information is being falsified. Wrightstone said “What I found frankly shocked me. I was unpleasantly surprised by how much misinformation is out there and how much science and scientific processes are being trampled on.

How 'Climate Change' Is a Lie, Hiding an Agenda for Social Control: Gregory Wrightstone