Ako ne znamo što se nalazi u cjepivima protiv Covida, kako možemo znati što rade? / If we don’t know what’s in Covid vaccines, how can we know what they’re doing?

Published on 16 November 2022 at 17:35

Ako ne znamo što se nalazi u cjepivima protiv Covida, kako možemo znati što rade?

Neki istraživači pronalaze grafen, dok drugi ne. Postoje mnoga izvješća o degradiranoj mRNA niske čistoće, dok drugi istraživači smatraju da ih nema. Budući da ugovori proizvođača cjepiva zabranjuju neovisnu analizu njihovih "cjepiva", teško je legalno pribaviti dovoljno uzoraka, iz širokog spektra serija i lokacija, da se ustanovi što se doista događa. Grafen ili ne, mRNA ili ne, trebamo transparentnost i odgovornost, i trebamo to sada. Ne samo da bi kampanje ubrizgavanja Covida trebale odmah prestati, već bi također trebale postojati potpune istrage i široka neovisna analiza sadržaja ovih injekcija.


If we don’t know what’s in Covid vaccines, how can we know what they’re doing?

Some researchers are finding graphene while others are not.  There are many reports of degraded, low-purity mRNA while other researchers find there is none. Because vaccine manufacturers’ contracts prohibit independent analysis of their “vaccines” it’s difficult to legally obtain enough samples, from a broad spectrum of batches and locations, to establish what is truly going on. Graphene or not, mRNA or not, we need transparency and accountability, and we need it now,  Not only should the Covid injection campaigns immediately cease, but there should also be full inquiries and broad independent analysis of the contents of these injections.

If we don’t know what’s in Covid vaccines, how can we know what they’re doing?