Iako su znali da oplakujete kraljičinu smrt, guverner Velike Britanije tiho je objavio izvješća koja potvrđuju da trostruko cijepljeni čine 91% smrtnih slučajeva od COVID-a tijekom 2022. godine i od travnja je bilo preko 24k "neobjašnjivog" viška smrtnih slučajeva
Izvješća koja je tiho objavila vlada Ujedinjenog Kraljevstva dok su znali da većina javnosti ili oplakuje smrt kraljice Elizabete II. ili su ometena vijestima 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu oko smrti njezina veličanstva, šokantno otkrivaju sljedeće - 8. rujna 2022. svijetu je rečeno da je kraljica Elizabeta II preminula. Od tada je Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo prešlo u desetodnevno razdoblje žalosti, a Mainstream mediji omeli su javnost vijestima 24 sata dnevno, 7 dana u tjednu oko kraljičine smrti i kretanja novog kralja Charlesa III. U ovakvim vremenima trebali biste gledati koje se loše vijesti tiho objavljuju u pozadini u nadi da neće dobiti puno pažnje, a slučajno je objavila i neka strašna vijest koju je objavila institucija vlade Velike Britanije, Ured za nacionalnu statistiku (ONS). 13. rujna Ured za nacionalnu statistiku objavio je bilten o smrtnim slučajevima registriran tjedno u Engleskoj i Walesu u tjednu koji završava 2. rujna 2022. Posljednji tjedan pokazuje da je u Engleskoj i Walesu bilo 8.868 smrtnih slučajeva, što je jednako 675 viška smrtnih slučajeva u odnosu na petogodišnji prosjek. Od 8.868 smrtnih slučajeva, 314 je pripisano Covidu-19, što je jednako 3.5% svih smrtnih slučajeva.
Even though you knew you were mourning the Queens’ death, the UK governor quietly released reports confirming that the triple vaccinated accounted for 91% of COVID deaths in 2022 and there were over 24k "unexplained" more deaths since April
The reports were quietly released by the UK government while they knew that most of the public was either mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II. or are distracted by the 24/7 news surrounding Her Majesty's death, they shockingly discover the following - on September 8, 2022, the world was told that Queen Elizabeth II had passed away. Since then, the United Kingdom has gone into a 10-day period of mourning, and the Mainstream media has distracted the public with 24/7 news surrounding the Queen's death and the movements of the new King Charles III. In times like these, you should watch what bad news is being quietly published in the background in the hope that it won't get much attention, and it just so happened that some terrible news was published by the UK government institution, the Office for National Statistics (ONS). On 13 September, the Office for National Statistics published a bulletin of deaths registered weekly in England and Wales for the week ending 2 September 2022. The latest week shows that there were 8,868 deaths in England and Wales, equating to an extra 675 deaths in compared to the five-year average. Of the 8,868 deaths, 314 were attributed to Covid-19, which equates to 3.5% of all deaths.