BREAKING - Britanski regulator za lijekove potvrdio da je COVID-19 stvorio čovjek / BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made

Published on 29 December 2022 at 18:08

BREAKING - Britanski regulator za lijekove potvrdio da je COVID-19 stvorio čovjek , a cjepiva su stvorena pomoću računalno generirane DNK


Nedavno sam naišao na fantastičnu razmjenu e-pošte između Francisa Leadera i britanskog regulatora za lijekove, MHRA - U ovoj razmjeni MHRA priznaje da što se tiče cjepiva protiv Covida-19 -1 korišteni predložak DNK ne dolazi izravno iz izoliranog virusa zaražene osobe. DNK predložak (teški akutni respiratorni sindrom koronavirus 2 (GenBank 908947.3), generiran je kombinacijom sinteze gena i rekombinantne DNK tehnologije. Laički rečeno, njihovo priznanje dokazuje da je pandemija Covida-19 stvorena od strane čovjeka. SARS-CoV-2 je sintetiziran prema MHRA tj. nije bio izoliran iz prirode. 


BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made & the Vaccines were created using Computer Generated DNA


I recently came across a fantastic email exchange between Francis Leader and the UK Medicine Regulator, the MHRA –  In this exchange, the MHRA admits that as regards the Covid-19 vaccines – 1. The DNA template used does not come directly from an isolated virus from an infected person 2. The DNA template (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (2 GenBank 908947.3), was generated via a combination of gene synthesis and recombinant DNA technology. The email chain looked too good to be true. Because, in layman’s terms, their admission is the smoking gun which proves that the Covid-19 pandemic was man-made. SARS-CoV-2 was synthesised according to the MHRA. It was not isolated from nature. So I decided to write to the MHRA myself. 

(BREAKING – UK Medicine Regulator confirms COVID-19 is Man-made & the Vaccines were created using Computer Generated DNA)

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