Službeni podaci o smrtnosti za Europu dokazuju da cijepljenje protiv Covid-19 uzrokuje masovnu depopulaciju / Official Mortality Data for Europe proves Covid-19 Vaccination is causing Mass Depopulation

Published on 29 November 2022 at 23:02


Službeni podaci o smrtnosti za Europu dokazuju da cijepljenje protiv Covid-19 uzrokuje masovnu depopulaciju, a 2022. je godina koja ruši rekorde u broju smrtnih slučajeva među svim dobnim skupinama, uključujući djecu


Ako vjerujemo da je ogroman porast broja smrtnih slučajeva u 2020. bio posljedica pojave navodnog virusa Covid-19, tada bi se moglo očekivati ​​takozvano cjepivo "spašavanje života", koje je uvedeno diljem svijeta i ubrizgavano u ruke milijuna više puta, kako bi se dramatično smanjio broj smrtnih slučajeva koji se bilježe diljem svijeta. Zašto je onda 2022. godina službeno bila rekordna godina u pogledu smrti u zemljama diljem Europe? Prema službenim statistikama koje je objavilo 28 zemalja diljem kontinenta, Europa je do sada ove godine zabilježila više od 193.000 smrtnih slučajeva više nego što je inače bilježila prije navodne pojave Covid-19. Kontinent je također pretrpio gotovo 30.000 više smrtnih slučajeva nego što je zabilježeno 2020. na vrhuncu navodne pandemije Covid-19 i gotovo 27.000 više smrtnih slučajeva nego što je zabilježeno 2021. godine.


Official Mortality Data for Europe proves Covid-19 Vaccination is causing Mass Depopulation with 2022 being a record-breaking year for Deaths among all age groups including Children


If we are to believe that the huge increase in deaths in 2020 was because of the emergence of the alleged Covid-19 virus, then one would expect the so-called “life-saving” vaccine, that has been rolled out worldwide and injected into the arms of millions multiple times, to have reduced the number of excess deaths being recorded across the world dramatically. So why is it that the year 2022 has officially been a record-breaking year in terms of death for countries across Europe? According to official statistics published by 28 countries across the continent, Europe has recorded over 193,000 more excess deaths so far this year than it normally recorded prior to the alleged emergence of Covid-19. The continent has also suffered nearly 30,000 more excess deaths than it recorded in 2020 at the height of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic and nearly 27,000 more excess deaths than it recorded in 2021.

Official Mortality Data for Europe proves Covid-19 Vaccination is causing Mass Depopulation with 2022 being a record-breaking year for Deaths among all age groups including Children