Nove dvovalentne doze protiv COVID-19 i dalje ubijaju i ranjavaju dok američka vlada cilja na crnce i latinoamerikancNew Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Shots Continue to Kill and Injure as U.S. Government Targets Blacks and Hispanicse /

Published on 28 November 2022 at 23:00

Nove dvovalentne doze protiv COVID-19 i dalje ubijaju i ranjavaju dok američka vlada cilja na crnce i latinoamerikance

Sustav za izvješćivanje o nuspojavama cjepiva (VAERS) američke vlade jučer je ažurirao svoju bazu podataka i dodao još 1020 ozljeda i 8 smrtnih slučajeva nakon novih dvovalentnih docjepljenja protiv COVID-19, čime je ukupan broj novih dopunskih docjepljenja sada iznosio 5435 ozljeda, 45 smrtnih slučajeva, 53 trajnih ozljeda, 535 posjeta hitnoj pomoći i 192 hospitalizacije.  CDC i američka vlada pokušavaju uvjeriti javnost da su bez ovih novih docjepljenja njihove šanse da umru od COVID-a puno veće, ali vlastita statistika CDC-a pokazuje da su "svi smrtni slučajevi povezani s COVID-19" u stalnom padu od kraja srpnja, iako su nova dvovalentna docjepljivanja odobrena tek krajem kolovoza.

New Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Shots Continue to Kill and Injure as U.S. Government Targets Blacks and Hispanics

The U.S. Government’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) updated their database yesterday and added another 1020 injuries and 8 deaths following the new Bivalent COVID-19 booster shots, bringing the totals now for the new booster shots to 5,435 injuries, 45 deaths, 53 permanent injuries, 535 ER visits, and 192 hospitalizations. (Source.)The CDC and the U.S. Government are trying to convince the public that without these new booster shots, their chances of dying from COVID are much higher, but the CDC’s own statistics show that “All Deaths Involving COVID-19” have been steadily declining since the end of July, even though the new Bivalent booster shots were not approved until the end of August.

New Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Shots Continue to Kill and Injure as U.S. Government Targets Blacks and Hispanics - Vaccine Impact