Teški metali u kišnicama Slovenije kao posljedica chemtrailsa / Heavy metals in Slovenian rainwater as a result of chemtrails

Published on 22 October 2022 at 06:36

Teški metali u kišnicama Slovenije kao posljedica chemtrailsa

Eurofins, slovenski institut za ekološka istraživanja utvrdio je prisutnost teških metala u kišnicama Slovenije na datum 21.09.2022. Rezultati su slijedeći: aluminij (37,2 μ/L), željezo (13,0 μ/L), barij (4,2 μ/L), stroncij (11,0 μ/L). Još uvijek nema odgovora službenih vlasti o čemu se radi. 


Heavy metals in Slovenian rainwater as a result of chemtrails

Eurofins, the Slovenian Institute for Environmental Research, determined the presence of heavy metals in the rainwater of Slovenia on September 21, 2022. The results are as follows: aluminum (37.2 micro/L), iron (13.0 /L), barium (4.2 /L), strontium (11.0 /L). There is still no answer from the official authorities as to what it is about.

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