Australija je riješila problem oklijevanja s cjepivom: nude besplatnu pogrebnu poklon karticu s vašim cjepivom / Australia has solved the problem of vaccine hesitancy: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine

Published on 11 November 2022 at 07:31

Australija je riješila problem oklijevanja s cjepivom: nude besplatnu pogrebnu poklon karticu s vašim cjepivom

Ako umreš od cjepiva, platit će ti sprovod. Dakle, sada, nemate razloga da kažete "Ne". Jedan manji problem: plaćanje nije zajamčeno. Tvoja najbliža rodbina se još uvijek mora prijaviti. Misliš da se šalim?Pogledajte ovo: Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. Ovo samo pokriva troškove pogreba. Ovo je dobar prvi korak: pokazuje da Australija priznaje da cjepiva protiv COVID-a ubijaju ljude. U SAD-u nismo toliko sofisticirani. Nitko od zdravstvenih vlasti (osim onih na Floridi) ne misli da vas direkti mogu ubiti.


Australia has solved the problem of vaccine hesitancy: they offer a free funeral gift card with your vaccine

If you die from the vaccine, they will pay for your funeral. So now, you have no reason to say "No". One minor problem: payment is not guaranteed. Your next of kin must still apply. You think I'm kidding? Look at this: Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs. This only covers funeral expenses. This is a good first step: it shows Australia admits that the COVID vaccines are killing people. We're not that sophisticated in the US. None of the health authorities (except the ones in Florida) think direct can kill you.

Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs.